Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!
I'm so glad this year is over. It wasn't horrible but it hasn't been all that terrific for me either. I hope that everyone's coming 365 days are much better than the last round :)
And I know 2010 will be a great year because January 1st starts the 6 month countdown until I go to Spain!!!!!
I have been waiting for two years and I am finally going. Oi! Oi! Oi!!!!!! Lalalalala!!!!!

I've even made a little map that's the background of my computer...just incase I forget where i'm going.

I'm so ready! The summer can't come fast enough!!!

Anybody else have any New Year excitement coming up??

Monday, December 28, 2009

Chirstmas, backwards jackets, ham and everything between.

I'm back!

Aahh where to begin? The past week or so has been really good. I've had loads of fun with friends and family :)
The day before Christmas I went to my friends house and her little sister made me a Christmas Calendar but she spelled Christmas like Chirstmas and had Christmas day on the 30th of December which isn't excactly right. But it was nice anyways and it's hanging up on our fridgerator at the moment. She's a cutie.
Christmas day I had to wait for my older brother and sister to arrive at our house until I could open present with my family. They got stuck in traffic and didn't even get to our house until 3 which was rather stressful for everyone but most me and my little brother Daniel. They are always late, it's a trial :)
Then we went to my stepdad's grandmother's home but had to leave half an hour later to go to my dad's home. My dad's family is crazy. I love them to death but they're all nuts! What's really creepy is that they facebook stalk me and my friend and buy us stuff according to what we talk about. For example, my friend and I do craft days when we have nothing to do, so they bought us a whole ton of glitter and just weird crafty...things.
Crazy aunts and uncles.
Then that evening we went to my other grandmother's house which was nice. It's a quiet family compared to my dad's so it was a nice end to the evening.
But that is not the best part....



I love my parents. I really do.
I've been having to share the car with my mom so I have to pick her up all the time but now I have my own beautiful car (named Inigo) to drive around in!!!!!


You have to say it in a Spanish accent. Then it sounds best.

So Yes. My holidays were excellent and I am quite content. Hanukkah was really good as well, not as exciting as getting a car, but nice. I ate sooooooooooo much, probably gained 339393 pounds :)

I hope everyone else's week and holidays went well!
It's going to be a good new year!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Mariah Carey in Drag...stalking herself.

I'm watching vh1 right now and it's creepy. Mariah Carey in drag......
and this is normal how?!

Please cover your children's eyes::::: X[

She's got some nasty 5'o clock shadow. Oh Mariahhh...silly goose.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

L'Chaim! Happy Hanukkah

I won't be on probably until next week my lovely 3 followers :)
Hanukkah has started and my family and I will be muy busy but I hope to be back next week sometime to rega(i)le you all with my stories of familia and other fun things.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snowwwwww Dayyyyy!!!!!!

Snow Day! Snow Day! Snow Day!!!

I am off of school today and possibly tomorrow! Yeah YEAH! Right now, we have probably 3 feet of snow sitting in our driveway/yard/walk and I am SO pumped. I even had dreams of making snowmen last night :]
There is a HUGE snowstorm covering half of the U.S. right now and I am right in the middle of it! I woke up at 4:30 just to see if school had closed and It DID!
Oh HAHAHA HEHEHEHE HOOOOOHOHOHOHO!!!!! I'm going to do a little knitting, a little improvised dancing, a little snowball fight, a little cookie making, a little cleaning, a little sleeping and sadly, a little bit of homework. Nasty. Orrrr maybe I just won't do it :] :]

Everything is just so beautiful outside right now! It's wonderful!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Ooooh I have another follower!!!!! Thank you soooooo much!!!!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!

I'm sorry I have been gone for so long Ladies! I haven't been feeling well and school has been getting hectic. I'm really ready for the Holiday break. (16 school days left!!!)

On the brightside only 23 days until Christmas, and 10 days until Hanukkah! Annnnd my birthday is in January! I love the winter months except for the fact that it's almost -30 (fahrenheit) degrees during the winter. It's rather unpleasant. Anyways...
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving (if you celebrate it) I did. I had to go to 3 parties and one fiesta. My parents are divorced so I get to eat my little heart out. I think i've already said that I have family in Spain. During Thanksgiving, we all celebrate together via Skype and webcam :) My cousins raise their own turkey during the year and then kill it (sadly) and eat it on the 25th. On top of that, the family that lives here make a music video of all of us singing Feliz Navidad and we send it to them for Christmas. It's really fun but it's always reallllllllly embarrasing to watch. It's not rehearsed at all and it's just bad.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Woeee is me!

I have a migraine the size of Guam and it is NOT going away! I have to stay home from school in the dark and I probably shouldn't even be on the computer but i'm bored as hell right now. Ay!!!! I have a history of migraines that last a loooonnngggg time and if this sucker lasts more than a day, i'm going to the hospital and getting some REAL painkillers *not i'm not an addict* because quite frankly, advil does not work anymore for me. Headache, sore throat and a fever. Maybe I actually have the flu? I would rather have the flu.

Dear Headache, please go away. Thanksgiving is coming this week and I would really like to not be sick. Sincerely, Heather

Anyways, i'm sorry I haven't post for a few days but my mother is getting herself in a tizzy over the holidays, decorating for Christmas/Hanukkah, and I'm not feeling well so there is a large possibility that I won't post for another few days.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My feet are going to be sooo sore. Im at work until 10. Oh the things I do for moola!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Oh Knitting

On Sunday, I am going to my Aunt's house and she's going to teach me how to knit. I've decided that i'm going to knit Christmas/Hannukah presents for everyone in my family and friends.
I'm knitting my friend D a pair of Socks that say  DA & HK forever because we're basically married in a totally friendship sense. We will be fighting and my friend B will say something along the lines of 'shut up, you two are so annoying' and D will respond by saying 'Well that's what happens when you tie the knot, B.'
 We grew up together and he's basically my brother so I think it's legit.
Anyways, I was looking for inspiration on Google and I typed in Knitted sweaters (because i'm going to knit my brother a sweater that says 'My sister is bomb.') and this came up....

Ladies....I give you the knitted swimwear collection!!!!
Classy and Sofisticated, this bikini will give you barely any coverage in a stylish manner...
Hand knitted by your GRANDMA!!!!
I think I might buy it. :) :)

The Heather Story

I changed the title. Oh You Know was just a little bit too vague for me :)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Pry bars are not my friend.

I was driving home today and everything was fine and dandy. I was jamming away to Metric and groovin and movin...and then
There was this huge well...BAM!!! and then a whole bunch of still loud bams and I was spazzing like a fool and pulled over.
And some IDIOT left a fricking Pry bar in the middle of the busiest rode of my city! Who the hell does that? I had to get out, of course, and it was just sticking out of the tire. When I get scared, I get agitated really quick, I have panic attacks. So i was almost hyperventilating and shaking and it was just bad. But I called my daddio and being the peachy guy he is, came and fixed the tire and now it is better and I am better and we are a happy family. But it was still scary and lesson here is: Don't leave pry bars on the road where new drivers and twitchy girls can run over them and blow up their tires.

Side note: Thank you VERY much Stephanie (i hope i spelled that right) for following! I've been reading your blog for a while actually, but I couldn't add you because I didn't have a blog of my own but now I can!
Side side note: I am also afraid of spiders when they are in my house. :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Travel Channel is awesome.

That's why I love it. I wish I could be Anthony Bourdain, he is probably the most amazing person on television to this day. I am learning about India via Travel Channel annnnnnnndddd I would like to go....right now.
It looks so beautiful and I love colors that I always see when we see pictures and watch movies from India. I'm also in the mood for a good Bollywood flick. I wish I could get the Indian channel!That would be AWESOME!!!!!!
I mean, I love the Spanish channel, Univision and Telemundo are wonderful and I love telemundos (but I hate American soaps) but I feel like an Indian soap opera would be THE best thing on tv of all time! Also I wish we played Cricket rather than Football (American) not Futbol (soccer). I freaking hate football, seriously. It's really vulgar and it's a cheap sport. I prefer Soccer (futbol) because it instills national pride and EVERYBODY but us watched it. I have family and friends in Spain and when they come and visit they make sure it isn't when there will be a major futbol match because they don't want to be the only ones to miss it. Last year, my friend Adrian was visiting and he made me watch the World Cup or something like that at 3 in the morning then we spent the rest of the night talking to our other friends in Spain about it. It was nice to feel like you're a part of something that the WHOLE COUNTRY is a part of. With Football, you have 20+ teams that you can choose from and if you're not completely loyal to one team, you run the risk of getting shanked by Packer fanatics in a dark alley way when you're wearing the new Favre Viking jersey.
Oh well....

On a wonderfull bright note...
I HAVE A FOLLOWERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! Odna, I bless you and your family and your camels and cats and grandchildren and great grandchildren, and your car, and the trees around your house and the toothbrush you use and EVERYTHING! It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy now that somebody actually want to reads this, I feel very loved. Thank you very very much.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

I hate Sundays

Sundays are the worst. I don't do anything, none of my friends do anything....
it's the Sabbath so none of my family do anything. We just sit around and do nothing. My life is soooo boring on Sunday.

Also, on a sadder note, 3 of my favorite blogs have shut down. It's tragic. I shall miss them very much and that leaves my Sundays even MORE terrible that they were earlier! *le sigh* it's hard out here for pimp!

I wish someone would follow me. It's soooo lonely in blogland on my own....nobody here but me.

So all i'm doing right now is watching all 3 of the Godfather movies and some movie with Hugh Jackman. Can I just say Hugh Jackman is probably THE sexiest man alive right now? Seriously. If you don't think Jacky boy is hot than you are blind and deaf and mute and stupid.
Also, if Al Pacino screams at you to shut up, I would. Just saying....Godfather + Scarface = Scary dude.

That is all my little non existant minions.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This is my jam!

I have a song in my head but I don't know the lyrics or the song. I just have maybe 5 notes of the whole thing going around and around and around like when CD's skip.
21 days until Thanksgiving! The BEST american holiday EVER!!!! Oh sure, we killed thousands of Native Americans by giving the small pox and influenza and all the rest and it's terrible BUT
we celebrate the destruction of one of the oldest and most beautiful races by stuffing our already fat tummies with Turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry crap, beans, stuffing, grrrraavy, salmon and lots and lots of yummy things. It is the one day every 365 days that we can eat anything and everything that we want. Then, los americanos go to the bed and make the sleepy time because turkey has some chemical that I don't remember what it's called.

Off topic: I'm going to the Islamic Center this week during my lunch break, just to see where it is and find out if it's a Mosque or if they know where the Mosque is. Also, my friend's mom is Muslim and I might go with her and her daughter to the Mosque on Friday for prayers(service?) but I am not sure yet.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Kicking girls give me bruises

The sleepover was a SUCCESSSSSS!!!!
We made brownies, watched Lady and the Tramp 3 times, Cinderalla twice and then Ella Enchanted. Not disney, but still good. I love Anne Hathaway, I think she's one of the best actresses in my lifetime, which is not very long, but still...
El Nina brought alllllll of her stuffed animals and I was forced to talk to them about my day and tell i think, 9384938493849357394857 stories about a princess getting rescued by a prince. It was tough but I came through with flying colors. Then, we both slept in my bed and my aunt was nice enough to tell forget to tell me that she kicks like a kangaroo!!!! I mean DAMN. I have bruises on my legs and one on my back, she would not stop. Plus, she's a really jumpy girl so she would wake me up every half hour or so because of some noise in the house.
But, she's just so darn cute, I had to forgive her. :) But I was very tired on Saturday.
So it was a pretty good night all around.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What the hell would we do without youtube?

It's girls night my house. My cousin is coming over for the night and we're going to get our sleepover on!!! She's only 7 and apparently my mom and I are the two greatest women in the world apart from our grandmother and my aunt (her mom). So, we are gonna watch every single Disney Princess movie ever made. We are gonna eat pizza, icecream, popcorn and tootsie rolls until one of us pukes on the other. And then, we are going to bed!!! Because her bedtime is 10:00. Which is good because I like to go to bed around 9 because i'm lame like that and obviously not a normal teenager.

It's going to be a fun night.


Thursday, October 29, 2009


I figure that this might just end up being some online journal where it seems like I'm talking to someone but really i'm just talking to myself.

So....I feel like I need to get this off of my blog chest.

Just for future reference. I don't have a religion as of now. Well...

I believe in the Abrahamic God. Allah, God...yeah.


I don't know which one I am.

I was raised Judean Christian which is like Jews for Jesus only not as obnoxious plus, my mom made it up.

My mother is Christian but since Christianity came from Judeism, she wanted us to get the whole shebang. So...I celebrate Hannukah and then go and celebrate Christmas. Easter and Passover. etc etc.

On the other hand,

I started learning about Islam and I was really drawn to it. Like when I found out that Jesus is in Islam I was like "SAY WHAAAAAT?!?!?!?!" It really blew my mind. So now, ever since then, I have been torn.
I have tried A LOT of religions. I have tried to have NO religion. It failed immensely. I love God. I love love love God. He is amazing and beautiful and wonderful but do I love Allah? Or do I love God?
God? Allah? God....? Allah....?
It's constricting, I haven't moved out yet, so I can't go further into Islam until I'm outta house and home.
I don't know, it's complicated.
I mean, what if I choose the wrong one?
Islam doesn't have the trinity
Judeism doesn't have Jesus
Christianity doesn't have the Prophet.
Which is RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I just wish I could talk to someone who wouldn't jump down my throat if I didn't go his/her way.
I have a teacher who does A LOT of interfaith work, I'm going to ArabFest with her and I'm hoping that I'll learn more that way.
If anybody ever reads this, make Dua, pray for me. Do anything. An interpretive dance would be nice. A comforting poem perhaps!

You know what I hate?

A brief history of Heather and her dislikes.
I am Heather. I am a student. I dislike a lot of things.
This is what I dislike:
-Stupid People
-Meg(h)an Fox
-Caddy Women
-bitchy highschool girls
-people who give dirty looks just because they feel inferior to you
-7 years olds who bully other 7 year olds. Really, what do you have at 7 years old that is worth being mean for?

What I do like
-Chicken Noodle Soup (I'm not a hypocrate! Really i'm not. I just don't like plain chicken.)
-Vanilla Chai Tea
-Not cleaning
-eating good food
-McDonald's, I know it's nasty.
-Laffy Taffy
-Halal Skittles (they taste better than the other kind)
-Tootsie Rolls

Also, I am a shitty blogger. I have decided it. I do not care. And since I have no followers or disciples or whatever I suppose it doesn't matter anyway.
Also Also, is it legal to post more than once a day? Because I have no life and I think this might be what i'm going to do for a while until something more interesting comes around. But I suppose that everything that i said in the first Also applies to the Also Also.
the end.

Cleaning Toilets? No thanks.

I started a blog today. Why? Because I'm sick of cleaning the house. I'm off of school for the rest of the week and I figured somebody would make me clean eventually so I cleaned it today and I plan to spend the rest of the week sleeping and writing.
Also, I thought I should clean it before my brother came home from who knows where and makes an effin mess.

So this is what I've been doing today:
Watching Wife Swap
Watching Will and Grace
El Fin.

Let me just say, that some of the families on Wife Swap make me want to kill kittens. This is worse than Nanny 911 and I HATE that show.