Friday, October 30, 2009

What the hell would we do without youtube?

It's girls night my house. My cousin is coming over for the night and we're going to get our sleepover on!!! She's only 7 and apparently my mom and I are the two greatest women in the world apart from our grandmother and my aunt (her mom). So, we are gonna watch every single Disney Princess movie ever made. We are gonna eat pizza, icecream, popcorn and tootsie rolls until one of us pukes on the other. And then, we are going to bed!!! Because her bedtime is 10:00. Which is good because I like to go to bed around 9 because i'm lame like that and obviously not a normal teenager.

It's going to be a fun night.


Thursday, October 29, 2009


I figure that this might just end up being some online journal where it seems like I'm talking to someone but really i'm just talking to myself.

So....I feel like I need to get this off of my blog chest.

Just for future reference. I don't have a religion as of now. Well...

I believe in the Abrahamic God. Allah, God...yeah.


I don't know which one I am.

I was raised Judean Christian which is like Jews for Jesus only not as obnoxious plus, my mom made it up.

My mother is Christian but since Christianity came from Judeism, she wanted us to get the whole shebang. So...I celebrate Hannukah and then go and celebrate Christmas. Easter and Passover. etc etc.

On the other hand,

I started learning about Islam and I was really drawn to it. Like when I found out that Jesus is in Islam I was like "SAY WHAAAAAT?!?!?!?!" It really blew my mind. So now, ever since then, I have been torn.
I have tried A LOT of religions. I have tried to have NO religion. It failed immensely. I love God. I love love love God. He is amazing and beautiful and wonderful but do I love Allah? Or do I love God?
God? Allah? God....? Allah....?
It's constricting, I haven't moved out yet, so I can't go further into Islam until I'm outta house and home.
I don't know, it's complicated.
I mean, what if I choose the wrong one?
Islam doesn't have the trinity
Judeism doesn't have Jesus
Christianity doesn't have the Prophet.
Which is RIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I just wish I could talk to someone who wouldn't jump down my throat if I didn't go his/her way.
I have a teacher who does A LOT of interfaith work, I'm going to ArabFest with her and I'm hoping that I'll learn more that way.
If anybody ever reads this, make Dua, pray for me. Do anything. An interpretive dance would be nice. A comforting poem perhaps!

You know what I hate?

A brief history of Heather and her dislikes.
I am Heather. I am a student. I dislike a lot of things.
This is what I dislike:
-Stupid People
-Meg(h)an Fox
-Caddy Women
-bitchy highschool girls
-people who give dirty looks just because they feel inferior to you
-7 years olds who bully other 7 year olds. Really, what do you have at 7 years old that is worth being mean for?

What I do like
-Chicken Noodle Soup (I'm not a hypocrate! Really i'm not. I just don't like plain chicken.)
-Vanilla Chai Tea
-Not cleaning
-eating good food
-McDonald's, I know it's nasty.
-Laffy Taffy
-Halal Skittles (they taste better than the other kind)
-Tootsie Rolls

Also, I am a shitty blogger. I have decided it. I do not care. And since I have no followers or disciples or whatever I suppose it doesn't matter anyway.
Also Also, is it legal to post more than once a day? Because I have no life and I think this might be what i'm going to do for a while until something more interesting comes around. But I suppose that everything that i said in the first Also applies to the Also Also.
the end.

Cleaning Toilets? No thanks.

I started a blog today. Why? Because I'm sick of cleaning the house. I'm off of school for the rest of the week and I figured somebody would make me clean eventually so I cleaned it today and I plan to spend the rest of the week sleeping and writing.
Also, I thought I should clean it before my brother came home from who knows where and makes an effin mess.

So this is what I've been doing today:
Watching Wife Swap
Watching Will and Grace
El Fin.

Let me just say, that some of the families on Wife Swap make me want to kill kittens. This is worse than Nanny 911 and I HATE that show.