Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm sorry darlings for being away for so many moons. I don't even know how many, probably not even that much lol but I still feel bad. :)
My family from Spain gets here on Sunday and i'll finally get to know when i'll be able to visit them and Adrian and Claudia!!!!

I'm going to see Wolfman this weekend by myself because I am 17 now and can see R movies by mahself!!!!

Valentine's Day is coming up! Not that exciting....but in case anyone didn't know. I thought i'd enligten them.
Anybody doing anything exciting during the holiday of lurrrrrve?

I've really got nothing too exciting to share with you all, that was pretty much it. So ta-ta for now!

1 comment:

Amira said...

Welcome back. Sounds like a fun weekend inshallah *smiles*.